France has been the land of Great Wines, Great Food and Great Liqueurs for centuries.

The LIQUEUR de PARIS® is one of these jewels

In the 18th century, the Age of Enlightenment, the stone-fruit liqueurs from France were famous and prized throughout Europe.

The LIQUEUR de PARIS® is continuing the tradition. It is authentically distilled in Ile-de-France.


The LIQUEUR de PARIS® is made from  the stone of a little wild berry : la prunelle.

The stones are first macerating with neutral beet's alcohol, then are distilled in a small traditionnal pot still.

The distillate is then blended with other secret ingrédients in the final recipe which is slightly flavored and well balanced.

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NOYAU DE POISSY - 105, Rue du Général de Gaulle - 78300 Poissy - Tel. : 03 80 62 48 10